Thursday, February 4, 2010

Early Morning Coffee

Continuing with the February "things I like" theme .... my favorite time of day is early in the morning when it's still dark outside. Eric and I sit side by side drinking home-made coffee, working on our computers. It's a quiet world at 5am; I'm not sure when I became such an early riser but it's habit now.

When I was a "single" girl and lived above the Adams Morgan Starbucks, I would roll out of bed, put on something appropriate for outdoors, and go downstairs for my cup of coffee. At that time, my preference was a grande black. I would hand over $2, grab my coffee, and go back upstairs to prepare for my long commute out of the city. An easy routine but not quite as nice as the one I have today.

When I was in Egypt last, I picked up the latte habit. My sister would make a small pot of coffee in the morning, but I was used to the mega caffeine intake and started walking around the corner to Green Mill for my early morning cup. Not familiar with the proper way to order a grande black in Egypt, I went with the latte option and found them pseudo healthy with all that calcium, protein, and milk.

I make my coffee at home now and splurge occasionally on a Starbucks latte but in the big picture I'm settling down. The image above is from an illustration blog I found online ... probably when I was surfing the Web early in the morning.


Unknown said...

Great illustration. :)

Helen | Sweet Olive Press said...

Your early morning routine sounds divine. Mine involves 5.15am gym (early risers unite!) and later-- prolonged wrestling of small children into clothes. And much later-- coffeeeeeeeee.